Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hold the Paradox, Drop the Burden

by Amy Gaudia ©2011
Paradox [par-ə-däks]
1. a situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or

Burden [bər-dn]
1. a load, esp. a heavy one.
2. a duty or misfortune that causes hardship, anxiety, or grief; a nuisance
Chapter 1:  Introduction
This booklet was created for all the many people who enjoy food, are feeling too heavy and are fed up with fad diets and ridiculous theories about human nutrition.  The Paradox is very simple and will be spelled out clearly in Chapter 5.  Please do not jump ahead.  It will unfold with much greater meaning if you just read it as it is presented.  A remarkable opportunity for change will soon be revealed to you.
This is a guide, a suggestion, and an experiment.
It is NOT:
*  Another fad diet
*  Mystical or New Age
You will NOT be required to:
*  Buy equipment
*  Keep a diary
*  Engage in rigorous exercise
*  Weigh and measure yourself
*  Adhere to any spiritual/religious practice
*  Count calories
*  Make special recipes
*  Use urine dip-sticks
*  Take pills
*  Eat meat
*  Eat vegan
*  Join a support group
You WILL be encouraged (but not required) to:
*  Read Michael Pollan’s books and articles
*  Examine your habits and thoughts
You are, as of right now, strongly encouraged to engage in regular enjoyable physical activity.  If you do not already have something in place such as exercise routines, sports or yoga classes, then a good place to start would be walking for a half hour every day, or frequently dancing in your living room to some upbeat music.
Chapter 2:  A Shift in Perspective
By now you have probably heard the expression, “some people live to eat while others eat to live.”
Which one are you?
If you fall into the live to eat category, please give yourself a moment to reflect on what that actually means to you, and how it plays out in your overall relationship to food. 
Now may be the time to convert.  Accepting this challenge means that you are about to flip your perspective and …
Food is for nourishment,
social bonding,
and enjoyment.
There are hundreds of weight loss diets out there and many people are becoming increasingly aware of the high rate of failure. Among the scientifically based explanations and theories about the failures, the most significant is the lack of a paradigm shift.  Even the best ones that I have read about still place heavy emphasis on specific types of food with every moment of your day revolving around recipes, weekly menus and schedules, proper combinations for maximizing your metabolism, and even the color of your plate.  Although the choices may be healthier, balanced and more nutrient-dense, the perspective is such that you are living for food, rather than eating to stay alive and well.
How do you make the shift into the "eat to live" way of being? 

 (This is an excerpt from my new ebook, now available on Smashwords) 

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Improve Your Wardrobe Now

Are you wardrobe challenged? If you have been feeling hopeless about the basic concepts of coordination, comfort and style, there is a hidden solution. The answer is buried just beneath the ever persistent need to purchase something newer and better. You have all the information, however it is unrealized because some of your conditioning has caused you to overlook an already existing natural balance. You can uncover this mystery with little effort.

First you must understand one basic mathematical concept -- ratio. Ratio is the quantitative relation between two amounts. For example; in my closet there are ten pairs of hiking shoes (and boots) with one pair of nice dress-up shoes. The ratio of hiking to dress-up is 10:1. In these modern times you probably have accumulated a large number of items in your closet. You have probably made some excellent purchases and those items are your favorites. Often you have been smart and economical with great deals you could not pass up. And then there are all those times you were impulsive or desperate and wound up with more garbage that never left the house. Let us not forget hand-me-downs, gifts, and stuff you bought because of one feature such as a new trendy color. So in the final analysis your ratio of "loves" to "dislikes" is something like 3:10 or worse. It is no surprise that each morning when you stand there staring at your entire wardrobe, you can be overtaken by a feeling of impending doom.

The main strategy is to change your ratio. Imagine opening the armoire, closet or cabinet drawer, and seeing 10 things you love and only 2 that are undesirable. You would have a ratio of 10:2 and in simplest terms (like reducing fractions) it is 5:1. You could easily make your selections. The ratio is the key. 3:2 would be better than 3:10. The goal is to get the "loves" side significantly larger than the "dislikes". Instead of shopping, what you need to do is get rid of the undesirables. Shopping will only make things worse. It will be like digging yourself deeper into a rut, especially if you have not taken the time to focus on what you truly migrate toward and what qualities you genuinely enjoy. The more stuff you can part with, the better. Sell it or give it away. Give yourself a rule such as, "if you have not worn it in the last two years, let someone else enjoy it."

It doesn't matter how many clothes you have as long as your ratio is good. When it's good there is a feeling of abundance, which can be very freeing. You will also develop a clearer sense of the things you do need to buy when the time comes to replace the torn and tattered remains of what could prove to be a delightfully frugal existence.